Meet Brad Tisdale, an Independent Insurance Agent

Brad Tisdale, MS, CES, CLTC, stands at the forefront of the insurance industry as an independent agent dedicated to providing tailored coverage plans for individuals and business owners alike. Utilizing strategic planning and excellent insurance solutions, Brad empowers clients to take control of their financial futures, safeguard their wealth, and protect their families.

A man with bald head and wearing blue shirt.


For over 28 years, I have had the experience of working with over 2,000 families with similar concerns about protecting their loved ones, wealth, income, business interests, and legacy goals. It has been my privilege to customize insurance solutions to meet their specific needs and budget, give them peace of mind and value for the dollar.

Helping You Secure the Best Protection

At Tisdale Insurance Services, Brad combines his expertise in life insurance, long-term care insurance, and disability insurance with his passion for education to offer comprehensive insurance solutions. Trust Brad to guide you through the complexities of insurance coverage and help you secure the best protection for your needs.